Monday, June 18, 2012

Belly Henna Blessings by Jenny Ahn


When I was younger, It seemed as if when a women were pregnant, that is was forever! Now that I have seen many friends go through the experience, it seems to happen so quickly. Before you know it, a baby is born!!

It's not like it happens all the time, right?! Nowadays its very common to have only one child, so maybe once, twice, possibly more that a women is pregnant in her lifetime.
It's a very special time in a women's life and celebration is necessary!

We celebrate and create ritual all the time without even realizing it. We commemorate transitions and new journeys with bridal showers, baby showers, birthday parties, etc. Shouldn't there be one to celebrate a women's growing belly?! 

There's a lovely energy that surrounds a women when she is pregnant. Something so feminine and sweet...
I have been blessed to teach prenatal yoga classes and to decorate momma's belly with Henna goodness! I almost feel like I can live vicariously through them! Maybe some day? 

Lately I've been getting myself more into decorating momma's pregnant belly with Henna designs. This is part of what I do for a living, and I love it!! 
Henna Blessings are like sacraments, or similar to setting an intention for the person receiving the blessing. That could be anything from pregnancy to finding love, or an intention to be more open with oneself or another being, etc. Personally, giving a Henna tattoo signifies more than just body art. It's an honor to be a part of someone's process towards growth and living. And to help make that journey that much more real or alive, is so beautiful!

To finish off, Ill share a closing story.
One night, I was hired to do henna for a gathering of women and friends. Everyone took turns getting a henna tattoo, when one of the gals mentioned something I hadn't heard before. She said that when a person is receiving henna, all of a sudden she becomes the Goddess. She can't move much so she has an advantage to being served and accommodated to. One gal had another friend spoon feed her because her arms and hands were covered in henna. My friend has a baby so when it was her turn, all the ladies in the room took turns taking care of her child.

And it's so true, when its your turn to get henna, all the attention is on you. And all the good energy is being poured from that bottle of henna into your being to send blessings, protection, good luck, etc. Some people think that beautifying your self is vain, but when we beautify our self, we are acknowledging and expressing the inner beauty that resides within.

To read my bio and find out more information, go to by website at


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